"Where bird Life Meet the Need"

"Birds of Lake Manyara"

Squacco Heron

Crested Guinea Fowl

Purple SwampHen

Silver cheeked Hornbill

African Jacana

Rufous Bellied Heron

Knob billed Duck

Giant Kingfish

Palm Nut Vulture

Over view

 ” Bird Paradise”  Lake Manyara National Park is known for flocks of thousands flamingos that feed along the edge of the lake in the wet season. Over  390 species of birds have been documented in the  park. Species including Eurasian and local can be found around underground water forest areas of the park towards the wetland of the lake. Few endangered species has been recorded in the park.Lake Manyara is ideal place for bird watching.

Wildlife in Lake Manyara

"Home of Tree Climbing Lions"

Over view

Populations of large migratory mammals that are concentrated primarily in Tarangire National Park, but also move through Lake Manyara National Park include wildebeest, zebra, Thomson’s gazelle and Grant’s gazelle. Large herds of wildebeest and other plains game from the Mto wa Mbu Game Controlled Area enter the park from the north for short periods.Wildebeest exclusively graze the alkaline grasslands around the lake, and numbers are highest during the dry season, dropping to small resident populations in the wet season.

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